Author: Deb

3 Steps You Can Take to Reduce Money Stress

When it comes time to pay bills, the task can send your anxiety through the roof. In fact, stressing about money is so common that doing so has become the norm for many people. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you take the emotion out of your finances and look at the numbers simply as calculations, you might find the whole process more manageable. Here are some steps you can take to reduce your stress.

When To Turn Down a Promotion

While many people strive for promotions at work to make their way up the corporate ladder, sometimes taking the next step doesn’t make sense for an employee. If a company offers a worker a promotion, some don’t realize you aren’t mandated to accept the proposal. In fact, it’s a good idea to listen, take in all the facts, and see if moving up in the business fits your overall goals.

The One Financial Plan Everyone Should Have

To most people, financial planning means creating a budget, saving for emergencies, and building a retirement nest egg. Yet, one aspect of an individual’s financial life often seems to fall through the cracks because people don’t like to think about it — estate planning.

What You Should Know Before Investing in Annuities

While trying to grow your wealth, you may be looking at different ways to invest your money. Perhaps someone suggested investing in an annuity. Although there are a few types of annuities, the general idea is that you make an agreement with an insurance company that requires them to make fixed payments to you. Of course, you have to deposit money into the annuity first during the accumulation phase to receive money back.