Since the start of the COVID pandemic, gig economy arrangements with companies like Uber or Upwork witnessed a significant rise in both supply and demand for these jobs. Modern communication technologies like the Internet and social media provided the playground where all this connectivity between buyers and sellers occurs. Currently there are over 57 million workers in the US employed in this way.
The most popular variations of these types of hiring are: freelancers, project-based workers, independent contractors and part time/temporary hires. Among the most attractive gig economy jobs are: deliveries, driving services, rental activities, freelancing and affiliate marketing.
DoorDash is a delivery service company, which partners with restaurants in more than 300 cities in the US. Once registered with them, the employee becomes an intermediary between these restaurants and customers, where the only condition is for him/her to have personal means of transportation. Average pay for this job is between $10-25 per hour. By signing with companies like Uber, a driving company, workers get a bonus between $10 and $2,500. This is a good way to earn extra money aside from a regular job, which a worker might have. Companies like AirBnb and GetAround provide ways in which asset (whether it is a car or a house) owners can earn extra income from renting these assets. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr enable writers and programmers to earn significant income by providing these jobs in an online setting. Finally, Blog owners can earn up to $5,000/month via advertising other people’s products.