How To Talk With Your Spouse About Money -- 4 Tips

How To Talk With Your Spouse About Money — 4 Tips

( – Money can be a source of tension between you and your spouse, especially if you have different financial habits, goals, and incomes. Putting the sometimes uncomfortable conversation aside could spell trouble in a relationship, so it’s best to lay all your thoughts and feelings out on the table. But how? Here are some tips on how to talk about money with your partner.

  1. Set a date: You want to prepare for a financial talk, especially if it’s the first one, so pick a time and day and mark it on the calendar. Also, agree on what you plan to discuss. Consider topics such as financial goals, budgeting, bill paying, investing, and stance. 
  2. Write it down: Money topics can get heated, so write down thoughts while you’re calm. Have notes to refer to to get the conversation back on track should the need arise. Remember to jot down any concerns you have, so you can iron out the details together.
  1. Don’t just talk: You want to be ready to discuss finances, but prepare to listen to your partner, too. As a married couple, you’ll likely need to compromise on some financial issues because you might have different ideas about money. 
  2. Make it regular: Financial talks are not a one-and-done activity. Make it a habit to have this discussion periodically to address any issues that arise and ensure you’re on track to meet defined goals. 

The subject matter might be uncomfortable, but open and honest communication is key to keeping money troubles at bay.

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