Discover how to master budgeting on a fluctuating income in this insightful blog post. Learn how to determine your minimum income, create a flexible budget, plan for irregular expenses, track your expenses, build an emergency fund, and adapt to changes. Gain control over your finances and attain financial stability with these tried-and-true tips and strategies.
Tag: budget
Should I be managing my finances differently due to inflation?
Inflation can affect your finances in a variety of ways, so it’s important to consider how it might impact your financial planning and management.
Budgeting with the 50-30-20 Rule
The 50-30-20 rule is a simple budgeting framework that helps you allocate your income into three categories: needs, wants, and savings. The rule suggests dividing your income into the following percentages…
Investing on a Shoestring Budget
Investing remains one of the best ways to grow money. But when you’re living paycheck to paycheck, how do you start? The truth is, you don’t need a lot of money to start. Investing on a shoestring budget is entirely possible. Still, it’s important to eliminate as much debt as possible before you start. For example, if you’re paying out 10% in interest to a credit card company and only bringing in 6% on an investment, your wealth will shrink. Once you’ve eliminated those obligations, here are a few easy ways to start an investment journey.
3 Best Budgeting Apps for Couples
Managing money on your own is challenging enough, but add another person to the mix, and it can get downright confusing. Still, if you have a partner and combine finances, there’s no better way to stay on the same financial track than to budget together. Planning where incomes go is the first step, but staying within those parameters will take cooperation from both people. Enter apps. Using applications you both can access is a great way to see where you stand financially at the push of a button. Here are three of the best to consider.