(MoneyHippo.com) – Thinking about money causes some people stress. Their anxiety may be due to a lack of funds or knowledge, the shame one might feel about not being able to handle financial obligations, or an emergency when it arrives. The good news? You can change your relationship with money, giving you more control over your finances and reducing the stress in your life when looking at your bank account.
- Open Up: Many of us learn not to talk about money, but a frank discussion with trusted family members or friends can help you determine how you feel about money. Not only will you feel less alone in your struggles, but the group may be able to pin down the roots of the issues and share ideas about how they handle their finances.
- Perspective: Change your relationship with money by realizing it is not the center of everything. Money is merely a tool to accomplish a goal: buy food, purchase a house, or pay for electricity. By taking away money’s power and accepting that cash is only a means to an end, you can put the concept of money in its proper place.
- Set Goals: Once you regain perspective about money, set some financial goals and devise a straightforward plan to get there. It doesn’t matter how small the steps are; just begin and see how you feel once you see progress.
Remember, the past is gone. Take the lessons you’ve learned from mistakes you may have made and use them to propel yourself financially forward.
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