First option for every future student in securing loans for financing his/her studies is to check the availability of federal loans. Afterwards, private loans come in second place to private loans, but they vary significantly in terms they offer to the debtor. These terms rely on lender type and repayment options, as some students choose to postpone repayment after they graduate and get a job, while others pay off their debt while at studies.
Unlike loans, grants are the type of financial aid provided by the federal government that don’t need to be repaid. Most of them, however, are given to students in financial difficulties or those who would have problems repaying their student loan.
As debtors often face big accumulated debt from student loans, usually at the end of the studies, sometimes they choose alternatives to this form of financing. These can be various scholarships, work and study programs, part time job funding, employer sponsorships, sharing agreements with future employers etc.
There are ways in which these loan obligations can be lowered or entirely written off. States in the US provide programs for their state residents, where they would perform quality jobs, like the ones of district attorneys. Although the amount of loan would therefore be lowered, it will sometimes be necessary to pay taxes on the lowered amount if it counts as income. In order to be eligible for these programs, users must continue to live in the state where they attended college and to have lower latter income.