A vision board is a great first step to changing your life. They allow you to visualize your goals and create a future. While to some this seems like a small, insignificant step, this is actually a chance for your brain to truly focus on what it wants in the real world – and that includes your financial goals. A financial vision board helps you lay out a plan, see a clear path to your wants, and affirm and award your brain’s desires for financial security.
If you’re ready to manifest your financial destiny – here’s how to begin:
Materials and Location
Materials for the board are simple. All you need to find is either some sort of corkboard and pins. A magnetic board with magnetic pins would also work, and of course you can simply glue photos to a piece of paper or a poster board.
When thinking about the size – you must think of the location it will be placed. The best place to hang the board is in between where you work and where your eyes gaze often.
What to Place on Your Board and How
Think about the goals that you want to reach from start to finish. Perhaps the financial goal is to save for retirement. You want to include images of money being saved (in a bank, piggy bank, positive bank statements), happy images of people living a simpler life as they save, and most importantly aspirational images of what retirement will look like. Including timelines on the board helps too as a constant reminder to help you stay in line.
The key to the board is to have a strong goal and to choose the right images that help you manifest the dreams you want in life that you will reach through financial savings. While you can use images from a magazine, if you can’t find the right ones – print them! It’s not enough to save digital images to Pinterest or other online spots. You want to be gazing on these photos and thinking about them every day.
Time for you to put this to real life use!
P.S. Still need a hand? Check out Oprah’s guide to creating a vision board for manifestation.