Perhaps you’ve heard the advice to pay off credit card debt first when getting your finances in order because it’s a “bad” form of debt. While this type of high-interest obligation can certainly drain your bottom line, you can use credit cards to your benefit and even return some money to your pocket. Enter cash-back credit cards. These types of instruments are bank offerings that do just what they advertise — giving you cash back when you make certain purchases. Essentially, you’re paying a sale price on things you buy rather than paying full price. Here are three of the best to try.
Tag: cashback
3 Ways To Save Money on Rising Food Costs
When looking at the budget, you may be able to eliminate some items, like streaming services or eating out at restaurants. Still, everyone must contend with one universal expense — food. As the cost of nourishing yourself and your family continues to rise, you might be looking for ways to get more for the money. Here are three great ways to save.
3 Ways to Save More Money in 2022
With prices rising and inflation showing no signs of slowing down, people are looking to find ways to save money this year more than ever before. Luckily, there are things you can do to keep more of your hard-earned cash and lower your bills, and all it takes is some creativity, diligence, and maybe some phone calls to get the job done.
Cash Back or Travel Rewards Credit Cards: Which Are Best?
When most people think of credit cards, they think of mounting debt, interest rates, and last resort spending. Yet, if you use these types of cards with a disciplined strategy, they could have some significant benefits. You might want to consider taking advantage of a cashback credit card or one giving you travel rewards for your purchases, but which one is best? The answer is: It depends.
5 Freebies to Help You Save Big in April
With spring finally here, many people flock to the outdoors to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and warmer weather. But high inflation might put a damper on April plans. Luckily there are freebies you can take advantage of this month and fill up your calendar with activities that don’t hit you in the pocketbook. Here are some to consider.